Wednesday, 28 November 2018


My teacher taught me...
Not only to be a good student but also to be a good person.
My teacher taught me not only to be good at studies but also be the best at humanity, loyalty, and fulfilling the responsibilities.
My teacher taught me not only to be positive but also to throw negativities far away from life.
My teacher taught me not only to follow the light but also to enlighten my brighter sides.
My teacher taught me not only to learn but also to implement the teachings to always be with the right.
My teacher taught me to become a successful child but I would always love to remain a student for the rest of my life!

A Teacher is respected everywhere not only because of having knowledge but because of spreading that knowledge to as many people as possible. Teaching is a profession that gives you consideration, appreciation, pride, honor, dignity, esteem and much of respect.
Teaching doesn't mean you need to learn about everything that comes under the sun, Teaching doesn't mean you need to have all the answers about anything or everything in tons, Teaching doesn't mean you need to teach with the fluency in tongue, Teaching doesn't mean you need to be ranked first among Everyone.

Teaching is an art, teaching is a skill, teaching is a quality developed itself by time. Teaching isn't that hard, teaching isn't that easy but teaching is something that open ups infinite gates to get fruitful results all the time.
If you think you are good enough in any particular subject or field and is able to teach people to help them get good results then obviously you should build your career in that particular field as a teacher.

Well yes, to be a teacher you need to have degrees to get placed in the best institutes, colleges or schools as teacher or as a professor but it doesn't counts for carrying thousand books, information & answers in your head all the time. It just asks you for investing your time and efforts to learn what you want to teach and I guess that's really a joyful thing to do as that's what you are interested in. Teaching is a type of career which is included in every field. Teachers are required almost everywhere. Whether it's ENGINEERING, MEDICAL, PSYCHOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ARTS or ANYTHING ELSE, a teacher is required in every field for training, development, learning, knowledge and perfection. A teacher generates doctors, proctors, engineers, photographers and even teachers also.

When you teach something to someone & that person gets a wonderful result because of your perfect efforts & explanations, you feel proud of yourself. You get that wow feeling inside... And believe me if you really feel so then you are perfect to be a teacher.
No matter how rich your students will become, no matter how old they will get with time, no matter how much successful they will become in life... They will always remember you for your teachings. :)

Teaching is a field that gives birth to pioneers.

Each one teach one but why not be the one who teaches many ones!


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